Trust the Feeling of Moving On, Even if Your Heart Doesn't Feel Ready

By: Brian K. Daly
Friday, May 31, 2024

Moving on is often romanticized as a clear, decisive moment of liberation, a triumphant step forward into a brighter, unencumbered future. However, anyone who has been through a significant loss or life change knows that this process is rarely so clean-cut. In reality, moving on can feel more like stumbling in the dark, with our hearts stubbornly clinging to the past. Despite this, it's crucial to trust the feeling of moving on, even when your heart doesn't feel ready.

The Paradox of Moving On

Moving on involves a paradox

Our minds recognize the need for change, but our hearts resist, longing for the familiarity of what once was. This tension can create a feeling of being stuck, as if you're being pulled in two directions. It’s essential to understand that this paradox is a normal part of the healing process. Just because your heart isn't ready doesn’t mean you aren't making progress.

The Role of Emotional Resistance

Emotional resistance is a natural response to change. Our hearts often cling to the past because it's known, comfortable, and safe. The unknown future can be daunting, making it easier to dwell in memories and old feelings. Recognizing this resistance as a normal part of moving on can help you be kinder to yourself during this transition.

Trusting the Process

Even when your heart feels anchored in the past, there are signs that you're moving on. These might be subtle at first: a fleeting moment of joy, an interest in a new hobby, or simply feeling more at peace. Trust these moments. They are indicators that you are, in fact, healing. Moving on is not about erasing the past but about integrating it into your life in a way that allows you to grow.

Practical Steps to Support Moving On

  • Acknowledge Your Feelings: It's important to validate your emotions rather than suppress them. Journaling, talking to a friend, or seeking therapy can help process these feelings.
  • Set Small Goals: Break down the concept of moving on into small, achievable steps. This could be as simple as reorganizing a room, trying a new activity, or planning a short trip.
  • Create New Routines: Establishing new routines can help your mind and heart adjust to the changes. This creates a sense of stability and helps shift focus from the past to the present.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself. Understand that it's okay to have moments of sadness and longing. Healing is not linear, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey.
  • Surround Yourself with Support: Lean on friends, family, or support groups. Sharing your experiences and receiving support can provide comfort and strength.

Embracing the Future

Moving on doesn't mean forgetting the past or denying your feelings. It's about embracing the future with an open heart and mind. Trusting the process, even when it feels uncomfortable, allows for growth and new experiences. Remember, it's okay if your heart isn't fully ready. Progress often happens in small, almost imperceptible steps. One day, you'll look back and realize just how far you've come.


The journey of moving on is deeply personal and often filled with emotional turbulence. It's essential to trust the feeling of moving forward, even when your heart feels tethered to the past. By acknowledging your feelings, setting small goals, creating new routines, practicing self-compassion, and surrounding yourself with support, you can navigate this challenging yet transformative journey. Ultimately, moving on is not about rushing your heart to be ready; it's about trusting that readiness will come with time and patience.

For further information -  please contact Ocean County Cremation Service at 609-531-8864. You may also submit your inquiries about our cremation society services using our Online Form.

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